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Hospital News    

The following listings are current news releases that Jen-Ai Hospital has compiled, so that patients and visitors can be informed of
any new developments in the hospital.

Item 2018/10/27
Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Presentations Accepted at the 6th AHLAIHLC 2018
  Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali in Taichung City had 2 presentations accepted at the Asian Health Literacy Associationˇ¦s 6th International Health Literacy Conference (AHLAIHLC 2018) that was held at the Huizhong Building in Taichung City Government, in Taichung, Taiwan, from ... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2018/10/05
Jen-Ai Hospital International Patient Center Celebrates 15th Anniversary!
  Jen-Ai Hospital International Patient Center (IPC) is celebrating its 15th Anniversary, after first opening its doors back in 2003 to accommodate the growing medical needs of Taichungˇ¦s various foreign communities. While most hospitals in Taiwan now provide English services toˇK (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2017/11/09
Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Poster Accepted at the 41st IHFWHC 2017
  Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali in Taichung City was extremely honored to have a poster presentation accepted at the 41st International Hospital Federation World Hospital Congress (IHFWHC 2017) that was held in Taipei International Convention Center, in Taipei, Taiwan, from November 7 ~ 9, 2017. (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2013/09/30
Jen-Ai Hospital International Patient Center Celebrates
10th Anniversary!
  To understand the scope and impact of the Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali's International Patient Center (JAH IPC) over the past decade, consider the fact that it recently served its 94th nationality - a foreign student from the tiny Caribbean island nation of Saint Lucia (population of about 174,000). (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2013/09/27
Jen-Ai Hospital International Patient Center -
List of Accomplishments
  Facts & Figures:
Founded: September 2003
Years in Operation: 10
Patient Visits: 25,000+
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2013/08/29
Jen-Ai Hospital's First English Press Release from 10 Years Ago
  It is 10 years ago today that Jen-Ai Hospital released its first press release in English. This press release was for launching the first International Patient Center (IPC) in Taiwan, which was considered a big news at the time. Mark Chan, who is now the Program Director of IPC, contacted (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2012/09/29
JAH IPC Celebrates 9th Anniversary
  Jen-Ai Hospital International Patient Center (JAH IPC) is celebrating its 9th Anniversary this year, after opening its doors to accommodate the growing medical needs of the foreign communities in Taichung back in 2003. Most hospitals in Central Taiwan now provide English services (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2012/04/11
Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Presentations Accepted at the 20th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services
  Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali in Taichung City was fortunate to have 1 mini oral presentation and 4 poster presentations accepted at the 20th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services that was held at the Taipei International Convention Center in Taipei, Taiwan, (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2011/09/29
Jen-Ai Hospital IPC Celebrates 8th Anniversary
  Jen-Ai Hospital International Patient Center Fact Sheet
Jen-Ai Hospital International Patient Center
483 Dong Rong Road
Dali District, Taichung City, Taiwan 41265
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2010/09/27
Jen-Ai Hospital IPC Celebrates 7th Anniversary
  7 years have passed since Jen-Ai Hospital International Patient Center (JAH IPC) has opened its doors to accommodate the growing medical needs of the foreign communities in Taichung. Most hospitals in Central Taiwan now provide English services to foreigners for an additional fee, (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2010/04/15
Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Poster Presentation Accepted at the
18th WHO International HPH Conference
  Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali in Taichung County was honored to have a poster presentation accepted at the 18th World Health Organization (WHO) International Health Promoting Hospital (HPH) Conference that was held at the University of Manchester campus, in Manchester, U.K., (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2009/09/29
Jen-Ai Hospital IPC Celebrates 6th Anniversary
  It's been 6 years since Jen-Ai Hospital International Patient Center (JAH IPC) has been serving the medical needs of the international community in Taichung. To commemorate its 6 years of existence, IPC has recruited a new Japanese Project Coordinator to implement its "Japanese Medical Service". (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2008/09/30
Jen-Ai Hospital International Patient Center Celebrates
5th Anniversary!
  Ask almost any expatriate resident or traveler to describe a worst-case scenario overseas and the answer will often include illness or injury. What might already be a stressful experience in one's home country can be magnified significantly in an alien country and culture, (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2008/08/29
Jen-Ai Hospital's First English Press Release from 5 Years Ago
  It is 5 years ago today that Jen-Ai Hospital released its first press release in English. This press release was for launching the first International Patient Center in Taiwan, which was considered a big news at the time. Mark Chan, who is now the Program Director of IPC, (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2008/07/04
Jen-Ai Hospital International Patient Center Discusses
"Medical Tourism in Taiwan"
  In recent years, key words, such as "medical travel", "health tourism", "medical tourism", "global healthcare" and "international medicine" have all become quite "trendy" among healthcare institutions around the world... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2007/11/08
Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Poster Accepted at 35th IHFWHC 2007
  Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali in Taichung County was extremely honored to have a poster presentation accepted at the 35th International Hospital Federation World Hospital Congress (IHFWHC 2007) that was held in COEX Conventions and Exhibition Center, in Seoul, South Korea... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2007/10/25
Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Receives Certificate of HONcode Accreditation
  Earlier this year, Jen-Ai Hospital Websites were recertified by Health on the Net Foundation (HON), as HONcode needs to be re-accredited on a yearly basis( & ... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2007/09/28
Jen-Ai Hospital IPC Celebrates 4th Anniversary
  In recent months, medical tourism and internationalizing medical care have become popular topics among hospitals in Taiwan. However, In response to the increased interest in international medical services, Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali launched the first ... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2007/02/06
Jen-Ai Hospital: Websites Re-accredited with HONcode
  Jen-Ai Hospital websites have been re-accredited with HONcode, once again! In 2003, Jen-Ai Hospitalˇ¦s English website and International Patient Center website were certified by Health on the Net Foundation (HON). In 2004, the Chinese website.... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2006/11/30
Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Awarded "2006 Good English Environment Award"
  Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali has launched the first International Patient Center (IPC) in Taiwan to accommodate the growing medical needs of the foreign communities in Taichung. Jen-Ai Hospital entered the competition with goals to develop its English environment... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2006/09/23
Jen-Ai Hospital IPC Celebrates 3rd Anniversary
  Jen-Ai Hospital International Patient Center (JAH IPC) had the pleasure of inviting the international community and members of the International Women's Association of Taichung (IWAT), Grace International Church, National Chung Hsing University and Wagor ... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2006/08/29
Jen-Ai Hospital CEO Invited to Speak at HMA Conference 2006
  Dr. Ming-I Chan Liao, Superintendent of Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali & Taichung, was invited to speak as a member of a panel discussion at the Hospital Management Asia (HMA) Conference in Singapore, on August 29, 2006. This is the second time that Dr. Chan Liao spoke ... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2006/04/05
Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Presentations Accepted at IHFAPRC 2006
  Jen-Ai Hospital in Dali City, Taichung County, was extremely honored to have 2 oral presentations and 6 poster presentations accepted at the 2006 International Hospital Federation Asian Pacific Regional Conference (IHFAPRC 2006), which took place at the Taipei.... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Item 2005/12/20
Jen-Ai Hospital Bilingual Volunteer Wins Award
  The Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission, Executive Yuan held its "2005 English Carnival" on Tuesday, December 20 at Taipei 101. The theme of the carnival was to recognize achievements... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Poster Presentations Accepted at APCRMPM 2005
  Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali is honored to learn that two abstracts submitted by us were selected by the 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Risk Management for Preventive Medicine (APCRMPM) for publication... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Introduces Baby Photo Messaging Service
  While picking up her daughter, Kathryn, at the local kindergarten, Rayne Soret's camera phone made a beeping sound, indicating that she had just received a Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) message... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Jen-Ai Hospital: Taichung Awarded "Most Bilingual-Friendly Hospital"
  Jen-Ai Hospital: Taichung is awarded "Most Bilingual-Friendly Hospital" in "Implementing Hospital's Bilingual Environment Project", organized by Taiwan College of Healthcare Executives and sponsored by Department of Health... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Awarded "2004 Good English Environment Award"
  To improve the service quality, realize an international living environment, and ensure the quality of the English living for foreign visitors, Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission.... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Recognized at AHMA 2004
  Jen-Ai Hospital in Dali City, Taichung County, was extremely honored to receive a Certificate of Recognition at the Asian Hospital Management Awards 2004 for an entry that was deemed... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Introduces Inpatient E-card Service
  The inpatient E-card service is introduced for the first time in Taiwan by
Jen-Ai Hospital in Dali City, Taichung County, which will allow friends
and families of patients who are staying in the hospital, to...
Jen-Ai Hospital

Jen-Ai Hospital Websites are in Compliance with the HONcode (2)
  Jen-Ai Hospital is the only hospital in Taiwan that has websites that
are in compliance with the HONcode! Last year, Jen-Ai Hospital's
English website and...
Jen-Ai Hospital

Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Signs Contract with International SOS
  Effective May 5, 2004, Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali has been selected as International SOS Taiwan's Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) to carry out medical and related services for... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali IPC Golf Team Wins the Championship
  AmCham Taichung held its third annual golf tournament at Taichung International Country Club on April 24 (Saturday). Twenty-three teams in teams of four competed in the tournament... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Installs Bedside Terminal
  Following in the footsteps of hospitals in the U.S., U.K. and Japan,
Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali in Taichung County has installed the first bedside
terminal in Taiwan. In collaboration with...
Jen-Ai Hospital

Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Awarded "Most Bilingual-Friendly Hospital"
  Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali was awarded as being one of the 8 "Most Bilingual-
Friendly Hospital in Taiwan by the Department of Health and Taiwan
College of Healthcare Executives...
Jen-Ai Hospital

Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Launches International Patient Center
  Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali has launched the first International Patient Center (IPC) in Taiwan to accommodate the growing medical needs of the foreign communities in Taichung... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Jen-Ai Hospital Websites are in Compliance with the HONcode (1)
  On July 18, 2003, Jen-Ai Hospital English Website and on August 11, 2003, Jen-Ai Hospital International Patient Center Website were found to be in compliance with... (more)
Jen-Ai Hospital

Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Unveils Baby Web
   With increased services now available on the Internet, from ordering photo reprints to shopping on-line, Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali unveiled its
"Baby Web" to help parents provide a picture...
Jen-Ai Hospital

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Date Modified: 11/20/2018
