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  1945 ¡V The first Jen-Ai Clinic opened in Manchuria, China
¡@¡@¡@   by Dr. Chuan-shen Liao, the first Superintendent.

1947 ¡V The second Jen-Ai Clinic re-opened in Taichung, Taiwan.

1962 ¡V A plan to build Jen-Ai Hospital: Taichung was proposed.

1966 ¡V The first Jen-Ai Hospital (Jen-Ai Hospital: Taichung) opened in
¡@¡@¡@  Taichung, Taiwan.

1968 ¡V The first "Jen-Ai" Scholarship was awarded to Shi-tun
¡@¡@¡@  Elementary School.

1969 ¡V Jen-Ai Hospital secured contract with Labor Insurance
¡@¡@¡@  Organization.

1982 ¡V Jen-Ai Hospital secured contract with Public Insurance
¡@¡@¡@  Organization.

1984 ¡V Ministry of Finance recognized Jen-Ai Hospital as having
¡@¡@¡@  "Complete Accounting System".

1985 ¡V The "Jen-Ai" Scholarship was awarded to Shi-yuan Middle
¡@¡@¡@  School.

¡@¡@¡@  The first "Jen-Ai Medical Journal" was published.

1986 ¡V Collaboration with China Medical College was formed.

1987 ¡V Department of Health and Ministry of Education appointed Jen-Ai
¡@¡@¡@  Hospital as "District Teaching Hospital" for the first time.

¡@¡@¡@  Jen-Ai Foundation was established.

1988 ¡V Computers and softwares were installed in Jen-Ai Hospital for the
¡@¡@¡@  first time.

1990 ¡V Department of Health and Ministry of Education appointed Jen-Ai
¡@¡@¡@  Hospital as "District Teaching Hospital" for the second time.

1991 ¡V Collaboration with China Medical College subsidiary hospital was
¡@¡@¡@  formed.

1992 ¡V Dr. Jen Liao became the second Superintendent.

¡@¡@¡@  A plan to build Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali was proposed.

¡@¡@¡@  Jen-Ai Hospital became a not-for-profit organization.

¡@¡@¡@  The board of Directors was formed ¡V 9 members.

1994 ¡V Department of Health and Ministry of Education appointed Jen-Ai
¡@¡@¡@  Hospital as "District Teaching Hospital" for the third time.

1995 ¡V The second Jen-Ai Hospital (Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali) opened in Dali,
¡@¡@¡@  Taiwan.

¡@¡@¡@  Renovation of Jen-Ai Hospital - Taichung was completed for the
¡@¡@¡@  first time.

1997 ¡V Department of Health and Ministry of Education promoted Jen-Ai
¡@¡@¡@  Hospital as "Regional Teaching Hospital" for the first time.

¡@¡@¡@  The first open heart surgery in Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali was
¡@¡@¡@  performed.

¡@¡@¡@  The first test tube baby in Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali was born.

1998 ¡V Jen-Ai Hospital launched its Chinese website
¡@¡@¡@  ( for the first time.

1999 ¡V Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali was hard hit by the 921 Earthquake, but
¡@¡@¡@  remained operational to serve the healthcare needs of the
¡@¡@¡@  community.

¡@¡@¡@  MRI was installed in Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali.

¡@¡@¡@  The first kidney transplantation in Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali was
¡@¡@¡@  performed.

2000 ¡V Department of Health and Ministry of Education appointed Jen-Ai
¡@¡@¡@  Hospital as "Regional Teaching Hospital" for the second time.

¡@¡@¡@  Jen-Ai Hospital was honored to be awarded with the 10th Annual
¡@¡@¡@  "Tribute to Medical Treatment" Award.

¡@¡@¡@  Dali Community Healthcare Construction Center was established.

2001 ¡V Jen-Ai Hospital was honored to be awarded with the 2001
¡@¡@¡@  "National Medical Quality" Award.

¡@¡@¡@  Collaboration with Nantou Hospital was formed.

¡@¡@¡@  Renovation of Jen-Ai Hospital: Taichung was completed for the
¡@¡@¡@  second time.

2002 ¡V Jen-Ai Hospital: Dali organized an earthquake crisis simulation to
¡@¡@¡@  coincide with the third anniversary of the 921 Earthquake.

¡@¡@¡@  IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy) Digital Linear Accelerator
¡@¡@¡@  was installed in Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali.

¡@¡@¡@  Contract with Blood Bank was signed.

2003 ¡V Dr. Ming-I Chan Liao became the third Superintendent.

¡@¡@¡@  Jen-Ai Hospital launched its Chinese website
¡@¡@¡@  ( for the second time.

¡@¡@¡@  Jen-Ai Hospital launched its English website
¡@¡@¡@  ( for the first time.

¡@¡@¡@  Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali created the first "International Patient Center"
¡@¡@¡@  in Taiwan (, while
¡@¡@¡@  receiving "Most Bilingual-Friendly Hospital" award from the
¡@¡@¡@  Department of Health in Taiwan.

2004 ¡V Jen-Ai Hospital - Dalireceives a "Certificate of Recognition" at
¡@¡@¡@  the Asian Hospital Management Awards (AHMA) 2004 in
¡@¡@¡@  IT / E-commerce category.

¡@¡@¡@  The world's first experimental bariatric surgery procedure was
¡@¡@¡@  performed in Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali.

¡@¡@¡@  Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali created the first "Inpatient E-card Service"
¡@¡@¡@  in Taiwan (

2005 ¡V Picture Archiving & Communication System (PACS) is installed in
¡@¡@¡@  Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali.

¡@¡@¡@  The world's first "Baby Photo Messaging Service" using camera
¡@¡@¡@  phones was introduced in Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali.

2006 ¡V 64 slice CT scanner is installed in Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali.

¡@¡@¡@  Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali awarded
¡@¡@¡@  "2006 Good English Environment Award".

2007 ¡V Dr. Shr-Kuang Chao became the fourth Superintendent.

¡@¡@¡@  E-learning system is installed in Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali.

¡@¡@¡@  The world's first "Baby Video" using YouTube technology was
¡@¡@¡@  introduced in Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali.

2008 ¡V Dr. Chr-Chung Su became the fifth Superintendent.

¡@¡@¡@  Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanner is installed in
¡@¡@¡@  Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali.

¡@¡@¡@  Renovation of Jen-Ai Hospital: Taichung was completed for the
¡@¡@¡@  third time.

¡@¡@¡@  The world's first "Baby e-File" was introduced in Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali.

2009 ¡V Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali awarded World Health Organization (WHO)'s
¡@¡@¡@  "Health Promoting Hospitals (HPH) Membership Certificate".

¡@¡@¡@  Jen-Ai Hospital launched its Chinese website
¡@¡@¡@  ( for the third time.

¡@¡@¡@  Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali created the first "Japanese Medical Service" in
¡@¡@¡@  Taiwan, while launching its Japanese website
¡@¡@¡@  ( for the first time.

2010 ¡V Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali awarded "Most Baby-Friendly Hospital"
¡@¡@¡@  (ranked # 1) from the Department of Health in Taiwan.


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Date Modified: 06/17/2010
