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Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Presentations Accepted at the 6th AHLAIHLC 2018


Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali in Taichung City had 2 presentations accepted at the Asian Health Literacy Association¡¦s 6th International Health Literacy Conference (AHLAIHLC 2018) that was held at the Huizhong Building in Taichung City Government, in Taichung, Taiwan, from October 25~ 27, 2018. Mark K. Chan, the International Medical Services Consultant who prepared the 2 abstracts, attended the yearly conference on behalf of the hospital. One abstract entitled ¡§Jen-Ai Hospital International Patient Center ¡V 15 Years¡¦ Experience in Taiwan¡¨ was accepted as an oral presentation, while the abstract entitled¡¨ Jen-Ai Hospital Baby Web Nursery ¡V 15 Years¡¦ Experience in Taiwan¡¨ was accepted as a poster presentation.

The Asian Health Literacy Association (AHLA) was founded in 2013 as an independent multinational non-governmental organization that seeks to understand health literacy levels across Asia from a research, education and policy perspectives.   At every conference, keynote lectures & plenary sessions are presented by international health literacy experts, and series of workshops, oral and poster sessions are held at these yearly gathering, which encourages further discussions on global health literacy and other global health issues. AHLA conference provides a unique opportunity for participants to meet with leaders in the health literacy field and interact with various business executives, hospital chiefs, and other government delegates and the 6th international conference was not an exception.

The theme of the 6th AHLAIHLC 2018 was ¡§A Health Literate Asia and Beyond¡¨, which was divided into 19 sessions at the conference. The 3-day event featured various activities for the participants, such as the Pre-Conference Workshops (3 Workshops ¡V Health Literate Healthcare Organizations and Leadership; Getting Health Literacy into Health Policy; Health Literacy Measurement); Conference Scientific Programme (19 sessions featuring renowned health literacy experts from around the world; 71 Poster sessions from 12 countries ¡V Turkey, Gambia, United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), Mongolia, India, Bhutan, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam & Taiwan; AHLA President¡¦s Award Ceremony; AHLA Office Leadership Award Ceremony; Conference Opening Ceremony; Welcome Reception; Conference Dinner; Conference Closing Ceremony; etc.

Since 2013, Asian Health Literacy Association has been organizing the International Health Literacy Conference each year. Two years ago, the International Health Literacy Conference was held in Vietnam; last year, it was held in Malaysia; this year, it was held in Taiwan; and next year, it has already been planned to take place in Vietnam again, where Jen-Ai Hospital hopes to have another opportunity to present its projects at the 7th International Health Literacy Conference in Ho Chi Minh City.
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Media that featured this news:
AHLA Website  
AHLA Conference Website 
AHLA Facebook Page  
AHLA Twitter Page
Focus Taiwan 
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IHF APRC 2006  
IHFWHC 2007 
IHFWHC 2012  
IHFWHC 2017  
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Date Modified: 11/19/2018
