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Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali installs the first Bedside Terminal in Taiwan


¡@¡@Following in the footsteps of hospitals in the U.S., U.K. and Japan, Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali in Taichung County has installed the first bedside terminal in Taiwan. In collaboration with Japan's Fujitsu Company, Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali intends to give inpatients access to cable TV, webcam service, information about hospital services and using barcode technology to ensure the patients' safety regarding medical prescription, through this device. Other services such as radio, telephone, email, electronic medical records and a growing number of interactive services ¡V including food ordering, will be added to the menu in the near future.

¡@¡@"With heightened interest in patient-centered services, it is important that Taiwan takes a step forward in providing patients with something to occupy their time and reducing medical errors in the hospitals. Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali has decided to purchase 10 bedside terminals in its initial stage, for the patients' entertainment, as well as for the patients' safety. We believe that by investing in this technology, we are offering ways to entertain our patients and prevent medical errors, at the same time, "says Dr. Daniel Chan Liao, the Superintendent of Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali.

¡@¡@The Institute of Medicine in the U.S. have claimed that medical errors have generated substantial costs in lives, injuries, and wasted health care resources, and that misuse of drugs is a major component of those errors. Errors committed during dispensation of drugs and ordering of medication are the top two reasons for errors in medication usage to occur. The Institute of Medicine also reported that in 1999, 770,000 people in the U.S. were injured, of which 44,000~98,000 people have died, because of medication errors.

¡@¡@As a result, hospitals have started to look for ways to reduce medical errors, in which the barcode technology was introduced into the hospital for this very purpose. Currently, only about 300 of the 6,600 hospitals in the U.S. use the barcode technology for patient safety reasons. However, it has been reported that by February 2004, the Food and Drug Administration will issue orders requiring that every medication sold to hospitals have a barcode identification number. As a result, some sources estimate that the number of hospitals investing in the barcode devices is expected to rise to 70 ~ 80% within 5 years.

¡@¡@"Department of Health in Taiwan has yet to get involved in the barcode technology for patient safety purposes, although relevant government bodies in the U.S., U.K. and in Japan have already started to move towards this initiative," says Dr. Chan Liao. "It's only a matter of time before Taiwan realizes that in order to keep up with the times, Taiwan will also have to invest in the barcode technology, combined with other useful services, such as the one offered by Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali's bedside terminal."

¡@¡@ The bedside terminal built solely by Fujitsu Company incorporates an LCD television screen propped up by an arm that hangs down from the ceiling. It uses the touch-screen technology, although remote control is available for ease of use. When medication needs to be administered to the patient, a barcode scanner is attached to the monitor, which will allow the nurses to scan the barcodes on their own IDs, patients' identification bracelets and the medicine bags, for verification purposes. If there is a discrepancy between the medical order and the actual medical prescription, the monitor displays an "error" message, which is color coded, allowing only the nurse to realize the error and investigate the problem.


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