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Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Signs Contract with International SOS


¡@¡@Effective May 5, 2004, Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali has been selected as International SOS Taiwan's Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) to carry out medical and related services for International SOS members in Taichung. The agreement was signed by Ms. Janet Lee, General Manager and Dr. Shin-Han Tsai, Senior Medical Consultant, representing International SOS Taiwan; and Dr. Ming-I Chan Liao, Superintendent, representing Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali. Two separate versions of the contract (English and Chinese) were prepared to formalize this agreement.

¡@¡@In addition, Jen-Ai Hospital English websites have also joined to become part of the International SOS Affiliate Program to provide relevant information and links to International SOS website, in order to facilitate emergency assistance services to all the visitors of Jen-Ai Hospital English websites. When visitors follow these links and decide to purchase membership from International SOS, a share of that sale will go toward the Jen-Ai Foundation. For information about their services, please click on the International SOS links and banners provided below.

¡@¡@International SOS is the world's leading medical and security assistance company ( ), providing medical evacuations, travel safety assistance, pre-trip information on the Internet and 24-hour help through the SOS global network of 29 alarm centers. International SOS has a staff of more than 3,000 employees around the world, with 250 Western-trained physicians, 500 additional healthcare professionals and multilingual coordinators covering more than 70 languages that fulfills the needs of the customers while traveling or living abroad with extensive medical, security, travel and online services. In the recent past, International SOS has taken part in SARS patient evacuation from Kinmen, assisted in medical evacuation during the Bali bombing, arranged air ambulance transport during the 921 Earthquake, etc.



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Date Modified: 06/11/2004
