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  Home > Contact Information > Telephone Numbers

  For patients requesting to make an appointment in English,
please call the following telephone number extensions:
          Phone: 04-2481-9900 ext. 1995
                        04-2481-9900 ext. 2408
or send the Appointment Request Form to make your appointment on-line.

For patients who are able to communicate in Chinese and
need to make an appointment, please call the following
telephone numbers:
          Main Numbers:
                      Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali             Jen-Ai Hospital - Taichung
                      Phone: 04-2481-9900           Phone: 04-2225-5450

                      Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali             Jen-Ai Hospital - Taichung
                      Phone: 04-2481-9955           Phone: 04-2222-2168

          Fax: (to obtain OPD schedule in Chinese)
                      Fax: 04-2482-9900
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Date Modified: 08/24/2010
