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Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Poster Presentation Accepted at the
18th WHO International HPH Conference


¡@¡@Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali in Taichung County was honored to have a poster presentation accepted at the 18th World Health Organization (WHO) International Health Promoting Hospital (HPH) Conference that was held at the University of Manchester campus, in Manchester, U.K., from April 14 ~ 16, 2010. Due to the fact that hospital's abstract entitled, "Reducing Health Inequalities through International Patient Center" was accepted at the yearly conference, Mark K. Chan, the Program Director of the International Patient Center and the first author of this abstract, attended the prestigious conference on behalf of the hospital. This also marks the first time that Taiwan had the most number of oral, mini oral & poster presentations in the world at this year¡¦s International HPH Conference.

¡@¡@The theme of this year's conference was "Tackling Causes and Consequences of Inequalities in Health: Contributions of Health Services and the HPH Network" and featured a week-long schedule of events (from Monday, April 12 ~ Saturday, April 17, 2010), consisting of WHO Summer School; Pre-Conference on Tobacco Free Health Services / Pre-Conference Workshop on Health Promotion for Children and Adolescents in and by Hospitals; the HPH Conference; & WHO-HPH Newcomers' Workshop). A total of 88 oral presentations, 37 mini oral presentations and 144 poster presentations were accepted at the conference (these presentations came from 23 countries - UK, Italy, Austria, Spain, Ireland, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Hungary, Greece, Russia, Slovakia, Estonia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Kenya, Canada, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, South Korea & Taiwan); and the poster presentation prepared by Jen-Ai Hospital International Patient Center was among those selected in this fierce competition.

¡@¡@According to Taiwan Society of Health Promoting Hospitals, Taiwan was granted permission to have its own national network within WHO's International HPH Network in November 2006. In 4 years' time, Taiwan has now added 61 network member hospitals and ranks 4th in the world, among all the National Networks of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services, as governed by WHO and WHO Collaborating Centres. With this in mind, Mr. Chan has expressed that he hopes many more hospitals in Taiwan will join to be part of the HPH network members and hopes that Taiwan will continue to have numerous presentations at the International HPH Conferences in the future (next year's International HPH Conference is scheduled to take place on June 9~10, 2011 in Turku, Finland). As Taiwan has succeeded in winning the bid to host the 20th International HPH Conference in 2012 (the first time, it is to take place outside of Europe), Mr. Chan hopes that many of his colleagues will also take part in future HPH projects at the hospital and submit relevant papers to show the world that Jen-Ai Hospital ¡V Dali in Taichung County values the importance of "health promotion for all".

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Medical Tourism North Asia Conference 2008

Medical Tourism North Asia Conference 2008
Medical Tourism North Asia Conference 2008
Medical Tourism North Asia Conference 2008

Medical Tourism North Asia Conference 2008
Medical Tourism North Asia Conference 2008
Medical Tourism North Asia Conference 2008
Media that featured this news:
HPH Conference ¡V Poster 
HPH Conference ¡V Website 1 
HPH Conference ¡V Website 2 
HPH Conference ¡V Info Sheet
HPH Conference ¡V Conference Poster
HPH Conference ¡V Final Programme 
Health Promotion Switzerland 
Focus Taiwan News Channel 
Taiwan News 
HPH Conference ¡V Abstract Book (p.92)
Healthcare Financial Management Association - HCS
Related Links:
IHFWHC 2007 
IHFWHC 2017 
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Date Modified: 04/28/2010
