Sunday, March 2, 2025

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In the past five years, Jen-Ai Hospital has gone through many changes. Jen-Ai Hospital in Taichung was found in 1945 and started out as a district teaching hospital, but in April 1995, added a new branch in Dali to become a regional teaching hospital. The total number of hospital beds grew to 900 and the number of staffs increased to more than 1,350 in the year 2000. In addition, Jen-Ai Hospital has extended its services from Taichung city area to remote districts, such as Wu-Feng, Nan-Tou, Ming-Jian, etc.

As for the external changes, Taiwan's farmer and labor insurance system changed to national health insurance system in 1995. The previous financial arrangement was fee-for-service, but with the introduction of national health insurance, the financial arrangement changed to case payment and global budget. As a result, in order to remain competitive, many of the hospitals were forced to create alliances, merge with other hospitals and/or diversify its operations for survival.

 Working in the ever-changing healthcare environment of Taiwan, Jen-Ai Hospital had to preserve its distinct characteristics and maintain its superiority. Through self-evaluation and self- criticism, Jen-Ai Hospital was able to exert itself to fulfill its responsibility to provide the best medical care possible for the Taichung community.

Plans for the near future:

Our short-term goals are as follows:
1. Increase additional services to the community:
ˇ@Currently, Jen-Ai Hospital provides services for people who live in
ˇ@Taichung, Tatun and Nan-Tou areas. However, to prevent patients from
ˇ@needing to see doctors in the North or in the South, Jen-Ai Hospital needs
ˇ@to provide comprehensive health care for all people who live in the central
ˇ@part of Taiwan, to increase community's access to health care.

2. Maintain total quality management (TQM & CQI):
ˇ@Jen-Ai Hospital has many optimal health quality indicators to reach the
ˇ@standards of other medical centers in Taiwan. In addition, Jen-Ai Hospital
ˇ@offers comfortable medical environment for patients to be treated in; and
ˇ@every staff at the hospital is looking to serve the patient and provide for
ˇ@their every needs.

Development in the future:

Our long-term goals are as follows:
1. Establish women and children center, neurology
ˇ@center, cardiology center, and long term care center, etc.
ˇ@Jen-Ai Hospital intends to provide comprehensive health care for the
ˇ@community, by answering all questions about health from birth to old age;
ˇ@and to prevent further sicknesses, the patient is encouraged to receive
ˇ@early treatment for the disease at the hospital.

2. Collaborate with other medical centers and clinics
ˇ@ In addition to providing medical services for the patient, Jen-Ai Hospital
ˇ@needs to make sure that the medical technology grows continuously. Jen-
ˇ@Ai Hospital will actively cooperate with other medical centers and provide
ˇ@its staffs with opportunities to learn from other institutions. In regards to
ˇ@assisting the clinics, Jen-Ai Hospital feels the obligation to help the clinics,
ˇ@so that the medical standards in Taiwan may be raised.

3. Plan for complete medical system
ˇ@Jen-Ai Hospital plans to set up a specialized school for medical
ˇ@technology in the Wu-Feng area to train outstanding medical care
ˇ@personnel. Due to the fact that central part of Taiwan lacks the resources
ˇ@to treat psychiatric patients, Jen-Ai Hospital will be taking part in this
ˇ@initiative, as well. Since the community is getting older and older, Jen-Ai
ˇ@Hospital intends to build a ˇ§village for old peopleˇ¨ ˇV to give a
ˇ@comfortable, safe environment for the people to cope with their illnesses.

Through perseverance and hard work, Jen-Ai Hospital believes that these goals can be reached. By attaining these goals, Jen-Ai Hospital will gain a sense of accomplishment, and at the same time, create a higher health care standards for the Taiwan population.


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Date Modified: 05/27/2003
