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Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Becomes Sponsor for the 2004 Kidz Christmas Celebration


¡@¡@American Chamber of Commerce in Taichung (AmCham) held the second Kidzday in Taichung Arena on December 11. To contribute to the community, Jen-Ai Hospital encouraged the staff, general volunteers and bilingual volunteers to volunteer for babysitting and leading group activities. On the day, we loved to see them enjoying the game, giving out loud laughter, and establishing a bond with us. For the safety of the event, Dr. Chan Liao, the Superintendent of the Hospital also led the on-site first-aid station and played an important role in handling accidents took place during the activity.

¡@¡@Around noon, Taichung City Mayor Jason Hu attended the event and gave the opening speech, following with an afternoon of live entertainment including clowns, acrobats, live musical performances and dance groups. In addition, arts and crafts, challenge games and play areas were arranged. These lively performances allowed the children to utilize their imagination and creativity, and actively partake in the event. Besides, there was a Santa's House arranged and decorated. The children enjoyed a close look at Santa and took pictures with Santa.

¡@¡@As the event comes to the end, the children were leaving with happiness on their faces, treasured gifts, and waved us goodbye. At that moment, we truly realize the joy of giving.




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