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Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali Participates in Various Activities (15)


¡@¡@In July 2005, Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali participated in various activities to further develop the International Patient Center program at the hospital. The following are just some of the activities that the Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali participated in July:

Saturday, July 2, 2005 -
AmCham American Day Celebration
  Jennifer Chu, Project Manager of International Patient Center, along with Jen-Ai Hospital nurses to set up the First-aid station at the AmCham (American Chamber of Commerce in Taichung) American Day Celebration in Taichung, which was held at Tiger City plaza. Live music, a variety of food and drinks, games and raffles were arranged for lots of fun. The day ended with a fireworks display that attracted a crowd of happy spectators.


Wednesday, July 20, 2005 -
Japanese Association in Taichung's July Dinner Meeting
  May Chen, Project Manager of International Patient Center, attended the Japanese Association in Taichung's July Dinner Meeting at The Hotel National Taichung. During this monthly gathering of Japanese business people, May introduced the services of the Jen-Ai Hospital International Patient Center and distributed English Hospital Introductions, Japanese Health Examination Introductions and IPC business cards to every member to assist companies and their employees requiring medical care in the future.


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Date Modified: 09/09/2005
