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Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali IPC Golf Team Wins the Runner-up


ˇ@ˇ@AmCham Taichung held its fourth annual golf tournament at Taichung Golf and Country Club - Sinon Golf Club on Saturday, April 23, 2005. Sixteen teams of four players competed in the tournament. The International Patient Center ˇ]IPCˇ^took part in the tournament for the second time with its own golf team defending their championship title from 2004.

ˇ@ˇ@A continental breakfast, coffee and juice were donated from different sponsors. Mark Chan, Program Director of International Patient Center and Jennifer Chu, Project Manager of International Patient Center were there to cheer their team on. Sherry Lo, Sales of Health Examination Center established a corner to promote health examination packages. The tournament began at 10:30am. While waiting for their turns, more and more people began to warm up by stretching their bodies, practicing their swings, and observing the opposition. Completing the18-hole course is required of each team. At noon, a sandwich lunch was prepared for all participants.

ˇ@ˇ@At 4:30pm, teams began returning to the starting point. The final results were announced at the dinner at the Evergreen Laurel Hotel Taichung. Mark and Jennifer along with the team members attended the dinner.

ˇ@ˇ@Before the dinner, there was a mini-golf game for guests. The person with the lowest score won a bottle of wine. The buffet dinner started at 6:40pm with live music. The award ceremony followed a short greeting by Mr. Douglas Paal, Director of the American Institute in Taiwan. Two of the Jen-Ai IPC team members won the first and seventh place in the individual low gross with scores of 72 and 80.

ˇ@ˇ@Mr. Jack McDowell, the Chief of AmCham Taichung announced that the runner-up was the International Patient Center of Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali. Mark was the representative of the Jen-Ai Hospital and received the trophy and prize on behalf of the hospital.



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Date Modified: 07/25/2005
