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Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali "Little Prince & Little Princess" Competition (2)


¡@¡@One year after the first campaign was initiated three little winners were selected for the second campaign. Different from last year's online voting, this year's winner was based on the number of the messages dedicated on the message board.

¡@¡@During the last days of counting, a large number of messages were dedicated on the message board each day with the parents putting forth amazing efforts, which added more competition and energy to this campaign. The winning list was officially published on March 26 during the Baby Web 2nd Anniversary Celebration. Yi-Xuan Shi was selected the Princess with over 200 messages, and Cheng-Wei Xiao was selected the Prince. Olivia MacLeod (a Canadian) was selected the Little Ambassador with messages from seven countries.

¡@¡@Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali invited all members of the Baby Web to the hospital for games and activities. Besides crowning the little princes and princesses, a little models competition was arranged, and all the contestants were dressed as a "rooster" made from recycled materials. From the baby in swaddling clothes to toddlers with winning style, they all demonstrated unbelievable creativity. Another fun activity, the child-parent diaper art competition used the diaper provided to transform it into unusual designs with imagination and creativity. All the teams demonstrated extraordinary coloring and artistic skills. A winner was selected and awarded in this competitive campaign after totaling the scores for creativity, style and material utilization. The attendance gifts handed out to all the participants at the campaign ensured that everyone left happy and content.

¡@¡@The hospital also held their monthly flea market, and donated all the proceeds to the Jen-Ai Foundation to help low-income families and minority groups. Other activities included: free dental screening provided by the Jen-Ai Hospital Dental Department, an International Food Fair kindly organized by the ladies from IWAT, a clown magic show performed by the Family, and a folk dance and live musical string performance by school children. The sponsors included IWAT, Johnson & Johnson Taiwan, Be Leader International Co., Yi-Lin Dancing Group, and McDonald's GuoGuang branch.

¡@¡@All activities ended with laughter, and the service of the Baby Web continues. Besides original services, the baby album page has been created on the Baby Web, so that family and friends far away can rejoice in and be a part of the baby's life by participating on the Jen-Ai Hospital's website. In the near future, the baby web will be providing some new services which will be free for all mothers-to-be. We are inviting all of you to watch for these valuable new services! The Baby Web will also provide more information, services, functions, news images, and improved video equipment in the future. Music in the form of lullabies for infants will be developed on a CD. There will also be a virtual tour of the VIP wards and the delivery center, digital photo display, and a website for children. The hospital will work together with manufacturers of infant supplies, other hospitals and medical centers to provide more and better services. Baby Web Website:



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