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New Patients
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Health Examinations
New Patients Appointment Process


1. Please call the International Patient Center (0963-175-765) or send the Appointment Request Form to make your appointment on-line.
2. For your initial appointment, please make sure to bring your passport, ARC (Alien Resident Certificate) & NHI (National Health Insurance) card, since we will need to verify information that is needed for the hospital's records.
3. New patients go to the Information Counter on the 1st Floor of the Main Building. The person at the Information Counter will verify your information, so please hand them your passport, ARC & NHI card. After verification, you will be handed your Jen-Ai Hospital Registration card and a small piece of paper with the Exam Room number & waiting number. This Registration card with your Medical Record Number is valid for all future medical examinations.
4. Proceed directly to the floor where you will be examined. The Exam rooms are generally located on the 2nd floor of the Main Building, but it may be on other floors and in the New Medical Building, depending on the medical specialty. Please wait in front of your Exam Room until your number is displayed. When your number is displayed, please enter the room and the doctor will examine you shortly.
5. After examination, the doctor may send you to other Examination Rooms for additional tests. Please follow the doctor's order and the interpreter will accompany you.? If further testing isnˇ¦t required, please go to the Billing Counter on the 1st floor to pay your medical bills.
6. At the Billing Counter, pay the standard registration fee of 340 NT with the NHI card or pay 300 NT for a basic consultation with the doctor, without the NHI card. Please pay the additional charges, if the doctor prescribed you with extra medicine (usually only 20 NT more). The person at the Billing Counter will also photocopy your passport, ARC & NHI card for the hospital's records.? You will then receive a receipt & your waiting number at the Pharmacy.? If you are not prescribed with any medicine, you may leave the hospital.? Parking is free for 1 hour with your receipt.? Please scan the QR code on your receipt to receive this discount when you pay for your parking fees.?
7. Please wait in front of the Pharmacy and pick up your medicine when your number is displayed. Your waiting number at the Pharmacy is located at the upper right corner of the receipt.
8. After you pick up your medicine, you may leave the hospital.
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Date Modified: 8/10/2021