中華民國 113 年 12 月 27 日


【 資料來源:JCI CENTER for Patient Safety 】
2009 International Patient Safety Goals

Goal 1: Improve the accuracy of patient identification.

  A. Use of Two Patient Identifiers
  B. Eliminating Transfusion Errors

Goal 2: Improve the effectiveness of communication among caregivers.
  A. Reading Back Verbal Orders
  B. Creating a List of Abbreviations Not to Use
  C. Timely Reporting of Critical Tests and Critical Results
  D. Managing Hand–Off Communications

Goal 3: Improve the safety of using medications.
  A. Managing Look Alike, Sound Alike Medications
  D. Labeling Medications
  E. Reducing Harm from Anticoagulation Therapy

Goal 4: Reduce the risk of health care-associated infections.
  A. Meeting Hand Hygiene Guidelines
  B. Sentinel Events Resulting from Infection
  C. Preventing Multi-Drug Resistant Organism Infections
  D. Preventing Central-Line Associated Blood Stream Infections
  E. Preventing Surgical Site Infections (revised NPSG.07.05.01)

Goal 5: Accurately and completely reconcile medications across the continuum of care.
  A. Comparing Current and Newly Ordered Medications
  B. Communicating Medications to the Next Provider
  C. Providing a Reconciled Medication List to the Patient
  D. Settings in Which Medications are Minimally Used

Goal 6: Reduce the risk of patient harm resulting from falls.
  A. Implementing a Fall Reduction Program

Goal 7: Reduce the risk of influenza and pneumococcal disease in institutionalized older adults.

Goal 8: Reduce the risk of surgical fires.

Goal 9: Encourage patients' active involvement in their own care as a patient safety strategy.
  A. Patient and Family Reporting of Safety Concerns

Goal 10: Prevent health care associated pressure ulcers

Goal 11: The organization identifies safety risks inherent in its patient population.
  A. Identifying Individuals at Risk for Suicide

Goal 12: Improve recognition and response to changes in a patient’s condition.
  A. Requesting Assistance for a Patient with a Worsening Condition
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