中華民國 114 年 3 月 9 日


Goal 1:Improve the accuracy of patient identification.

標題符號 Use at least two patient identifiers when providing care, treatment or services.

Goal 2:Improve the effectiveness of communication among caregivers.
標題符號 For verbal or telephone orders or for telephonic reporting of critical test results, verify the complete order or test result by having the person receiving the information record and "read-back" the complete order or test result.
標題符號 Standardize a list of abbreviations, acronyms, symbols , and dose designations that are not to be used throughout the organization.
標題符號 Measure, assess and, if appropriate, take action to improve the timeliness of reporting, and the timeliness of receipt by the responsible licensed caregiver, of critical test results and values.
標題符號 Implement a standardized approach to “hand off” communications, including an opportunity to ask and respond to questions.


Goal 3:Improve the safety of using medications.
標題符號 Identify and, at a minimum, annually review a list of look-alike/sound-alike drugs used by the organization, and take action to prevent errors involving the interchange of these drugs.


標題符號 Label all medications, medication containers (for example, syringes, medicine cups, basins), or other solutions on and off the sterile field.
標題符號 Reduce the likelihood of patient harm associated with the use of anticoagulation therapy.

Goal 4:Retired in 2007.[Eliminate wrong-site, wrong-patient, wrong-procedure surgery.]

Goal 5:Retired in 2006. [Improve the safety of using infusion pumps.]

Goal 6:Retired in 2007.[Improve the effectiveness of clinical alarm systems.]

Goal 7:Reduce the risk of health care-associated infections.

Goal 8 : Accurately and completely reconcile medications across the continuum of care.
標題符號 There is a process for comparing the patient’s current medications with those ordered for the patient while under the care of the organization.


標題符號 A complete list of the patient’s medications is communicated to the next provider of service when a patient is referred or transferred to another setting ,service, practitioner or level of care within or outside the organization. The complete list of medications is also provided to the patient on discharge from the facility.

Goal 9: Reduce the risk of patient harm resulting from falls.
標題符號 Implement a fall reduction program including an evaluation of the effectiveness of the program.

Goal 10: Retired in 2007.[Reduce the risk of influenza and pneumococcal disease in older adults.]

Goal 11: Retired in 2007.[Reduce the risk of surgical fires.]

Goal 12: Retired in 2007.[Implement applicable National Patient Safety Goals and Requirements at the component and practitioner site levels.]

Goal 13: Encourage patient’s active involvement in their own care as a patient safety strategy.

Define and communicate the means for patients and their families to report concerns about safety and encourage them to do so.



Goal 14: Retired in 2007.[Prevent health care-associated pressure ulcers ( decubitus ulcers).]

Goal 15: The organization identifies safety risks inherent in its patient population.


The organization identifies patients at risk for suicide. [Applicable to psychiatric hospitals and patients being treated for emotional or behavioral disorders in general hospitals.]



Goal 16: Improve recognition and response to changes in a patient's condition.


The organization selects a suitable method that enables health care staff members to directly request additional assistance from a specially trained individual(s) when the patient’s condition appears to be worsening. [Critical Access Hospital,Hospital]



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