2006年JCAHO病人安全目標 |
美國評鑑機構聯合會(Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization;
JCAHO)為促進病人安全方面有具體改進的作法而於每年7月提出年度國家病人安全目標。其形成主要是由JCAHO 病人安全通訊、警訊事件警示等機制,非正式的建議而來。這些目標強調出醫療照護中有問題的區塊,藉由科學證據和專家提出解決問題的方法。病人安全目標的重點放在系統範圍內可解決的方向,JCAHO 也提供如何有效的達到每個目標要求的指引。 2006 年其目標及要點如下:
Goal 1:Improve the accuracy of
patient identification.
(目標一: 提昇病人辨識的正確性)
Use at least two patient identifiers (neither
to be the patient's room number) whenever administering
medications or blood products; taking blood samples
and other specimens
for clinical testing, or providing any other treatments
or procedures. |
Prior to the start of any invasive procedure, conduct a final verification process to confirm the correct resident, procedure, site, and availability of appropriate documents. This verification process uses active—not passive—communication techniques. |
在執行任何侵入性的處置之前,要對病人、處置、部位做最後的確認,並做成適當的書面記錄。這些確認的程序需透過主動溝通的技巧達成。 |
Goal 2:Improve the effectiveness
of communication among caregivers.
Goal 3:Improve the safety
of using medications.
Retired in 2006. [Remove concentrated electrolytes (including, but not limited to, potassium chloride, potassium phosphate, sodium chloride >0.9%) from patient care units.] |
2006 年已取消。[單位內不存放濃縮電解液(包含但不限於氯化鉀、磷酸鉀及濃度大於0.9 的氯化鈉等。)] |
Standardize and limit the number of drug concentrations available in the organization. |
限定醫院內同一藥品不同濃度之品項數並訂定規範。 |
Identify and, at a minimum,
annually review a list of look-alike/sound-alike
drugs used in the organization, and take action
to prevent errors involving the interchange of these
drugs. |
每年至少檢視及確認一次醫院內使用藥品中,外觀相似或發音相似的藥品清單,並需採取因藥品外觀相似或發音相似導致混淆錯誤的防範措施。 |
Label all medications, medication containers (e.g., syringes, medicine cups, basins), or other.solutions on and off the sterile field in perioperative and other procedural settings. |
對於會重複接觸無菌區的藥品、藥物容器(如注射針劑、藥杯、彎盆)或其他的溶液應標示清楚。 |
Goal 4:Eliminate wrong-site, wrong-patient, wrong-procedure surgery.
Create and use a preoperative verification process, such as a checklist, to confirm that appropriate documents (e.g., medical records, imaging studies) are available. |
建立並進行手術前確認流程(可使用查核表等工具),以確保病歷紀錄、影像資訊等文件資料準備齊全。 |
Implement a process to mark the surgical site and involve the patient in the marking process. |
建立手術部位標記的程序,且需包含讓病人參與共同確認的流程。 |
Goal 5:Retired in 2006. [Improve the safety of using infusion pumps.]
(目標五:2006 年已取消[改善輸液幫浦的使用安全])
Retired in 2006. [Ensure free-flow protection on all general-use and PCA (patient controlled analgesia) intravenous infusion pumps used in the organization.] |
2006 年已取消[確保醫院內一般使用及病患控制止痛法(Patient Controlled Analgesia, PCA)專用之靜脈輸液幫浦具流量失控之防護措施。] |
Goal 6:Improve the effectiveness of clinical alarm systems.
Implement regular preventive maintenance and testing of alarm systems. |
執行警示系統的日常預防保養與測試。 |
Assure that alarms are activated with appropriate settings and are sufficiently audible with respect to distances and competing noise within the unit. |
確定警示系統的設定與運作功能正常,其警示聲響可以克服距離與單位內的噪音等因素,可被清楚的聽到。 |
Goal 7:Reduce the risk of
health care-associated infections.
Comply with current Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) hand hygiene guidelines. |
遵從疾病管制局所訂定的手部衛生指引。 |
Manage as sentinel events all identified cases
of unanticipated death or major permanent loss of
function associated with a health care-associated
infection. |
對於所有與感染相關的非預期性死亡或造成永久性身體功能喪失的個案,皆應列入警訊事件妥善管理。 |
Goal 8 : Accurately and
completely reconcile medications across the continuum
of care.
Implement a process for obtaining and documenting a complete list of the patient's current
medications upon the patient's admission to the organization and with the involvement of the patient. This process includes a comparison of the medications the organization provides to those on the list. |
發展一流程以便掌握病人先前就醫時所接受的藥物治療清單完整紀錄,並使該紀錄能與病人來院的就診紀錄一起保存,紀錄中應包括醫院提供的藥物對照表。 |
A complete list of the
patient's medications is communicated to the next
provider of service when it refers or transfers
a patient to another setting, service, practitioner
or level of care within or outside the organization. |
當病人轉單位或轉院時,完整的病人藥物治療明細應能正確的被傳遞至下一個照護者手中,以進行進一步相關醫療服務。 |
Goal 9: Reduce the risk
of patient harm resulting from falls.
Implement a fall reduction program and evaluate the effectiveness of the program. Replacement
for 9A (Assess and periodically reassess each patient's risk for falling, including the potential risk associated with the patient's medication regimen, and take action to address any identified risks. |
建立降低病患跌倒的計畫並評估其有效性。取代9A (評估且視需要定期地再確認每一個病人跌倒可能的風險,包含病人因用藥而發生的危險並針對確認的風險採取預防或改善措施。) |
Goal 10: Reduce the risk of influenza and pneumococcal disease in older adults.
Goal 11: Reduce the risk of surgical fires.
Educate staff, including operating licensed independent practitioners and anesthesia providers, on how to control heat sources and manage fuels, and establish guidelines to minimize oxygen concentration under drapes. |
教育全體工作人員,含獨立開業醫及麻醉藥品提供者如何控制熱源與燃料,並建立作業指引,避免高濃度之氧氣集中在氧氣罩下方。 |
Goal 12: Implement applicable National Patient Safety Goals and Requirementsat the component and practitioner site levels.
Inform and encourage components and practitioner sites to implement applicable National Patient Safety Goals and Requirements. |
告知並鼓勵基層醫療院所層級設定適當的病人安全目標與要求。 |
Goal 13: Encourage the active involvement of residents and their families in theresident’s care as a resident safety strategy.
Define and communicate the means for residents and their families to report concerns about safety and encourage them to do so. |
鼓勵住民及其家屬與照護人員溝通他們所關心的安全議題。 |
Goal 14: Prevent health care-associated pressure ulcers (decubitus ulcers).
Assess and periodically reassess each resident's risk for developing a pressure ulcer (decubitus ulcer) and take action to address any identified risks. |
定期的評估每個病人產生壓瘡的風險,並對具有風險之病人進行處置。 |